1. Texts should be in a 11-point font, left-aligned and single-spaced. Try to divide your text in paragraphs of moderate length (ca. twenty lines at most).
2. Use no more than one level of subtitles.
3. British spelling should be used throughout, e.g. prefering ‘ise’ over ‘ize’.
4. Quotations are put between single quotation marks, only using double marks for quotations within quotations. Use no marks for quotations exceeding fifty words, but instead include them as a separate, indented block of text. Square brackets announce author comments (‘[sic]’) or any modification of the original quotation (‘[…]’).
5. Use single spaces. Punctuation marks (other than brackets, dashes or quotation marks) are never preceded by a space.
6. Give dates in full, for example ‘1 February 1995’. In notes, however, dates should be abbreviated, for example ‘1/2/1995’. Do not use apostrophes in decades, for example ‘1930s’.
7. Numbers under 101 and all multiples of hundred, thousand, million etc. should be spelt out, with the exception of percentages. In numbers of four figures or more, commas should be used. Decimals are punctuated with a full point.
8. Words originally written in characters other than Latin should be converted as to make them intelligible for all readers. Offer translations where needed.
9. Names of cities and towns can be given in their original language. When giving a place of publication in references, however, they should be translated in English.
10. First names should be given in full and not as an initial, and this whenever a person is first mentioned. Unless mistakes are possible, use only last names further on.
11. Avoid the use of abbreviations, with the exception of titles and organisations (for example UNPO, UDB, PM…)
12. Use italics rather than underlining, and only for emphasising and for non-English words and concepts (for example ‘Realpolitik’, ‘Risorgimento’, ‘duma’).